While cavities are certainly a big threat to someone’s oral health, gum disease is actually the most common dental problem in the world. This infection actually attacks the structures that support the teeth, which can lead to redness, gum recession, and ultimately tooth loss! Fortunately, the team at Pinnacle Dental is experienced at finding and treating gum disease as soon as it appears. If you’ve noticed that your gums are sensitive, look swollen, or tend to bleed easily these days, contact us today to start getting the treatment you need!
Scaling and root planing are designed to tackle the root cause of gum disease—deposits of bacteria-filled tartar that have built up on the teeth below the gum line. Scaling breaks up and removes the tartar, and root planing gently alters the shape of the tooth roots to prevent tartar from accumulating there again. Similar to a traditional dental cleaning, this procedure can usually be completed in about one to four appointments depending on the extent of a patient’s infection.
Antibiotic therapy is primarily used to clean deep periodontal pockets, which are small spaces found between the gums and teeth where harmful bacteria tend to gather. The antibiotic is applied directly to the gums, and after initially drying, it will slowly dissolve over the next few days. This constantly exposes the gums to a powerful antimicrobial agent which helps eliminate bacteria located in the most unreachable parts of the pocket.