Dental implants can be a great way to fill in the gaps in your grin, but what if you’re missing all your teeth on one or both arches? You could get a traditional full denture, but those have been known to lose their fit every few years, resulting in embarrassing slippage. In order to prevent these unfortunate incidents, we can combine dentures with implants in a treatment called All-on-4. At Pinnacle Dental, we are proud to offer All-on-4 in Braintree to any patient who might be missing all of their top and/or bottom teeth. Contact us today to learn more.
A dental implant is a small post made of biocompatible titanium that serves as the “root” of a lost tooth by being placed directly into the jawbone. Normally, a single implant is topped with a dental crown to bring back one missing tooth. With All-on-4, however, we can strategically place just four dental implants in Braintree at key points throughout your jawbone to provide a foundation for a full denture. The two implants toward the back of the mouth are tilted at a 45-degree angle, drastically reducing the need for bone grafting to strengthen the jawbone.
Most patients who are missing all their teeth would make great candidates for All-on-4. Because of the angle at which the two posterior implants are placed, even patients who have suffered bone loss due to missing teeth may still be able to enjoy the benefits of this treatment.
Some of the rewards you can expect to reap from All-on-4 include:
With traditional implant-retained dentures, it may take anywhere from six to eight implants to support a full denture, but All-on-4 allows us to rebuild your smile with as few as four because of the angle at which we insert them. Moreover, we can usually place at least a temporary denture at the same time as the implants, meaning you can receive your new teeth much sooner. For this reason, All-on-4 is typically faster and more cost-effective than traditional implant procedures.
Of course, to determine whether All-on-4 is really right for you, you’ll need to speak with an implant dentist in Braintree. Schedule a consultation with us today!