If you’ve suffered from extensive tooth loss over the years, you’re far from the only one. In fact, about 40 million adults in the United States are missing all of their teeth, according to the American College of Prosthodontists. Whether you’re missing just a few pearly whites or a full arch, this problem can make daily activities like smiling and eating cumbersome or even downright impossible. Your dentist in Braintree doesn’t want you to have to put up with these inconveniences any longer. At Pinnacle Dental, we offer three kinds of dentures to give you a full set of comfortable and lifelike replacement teeth. Contact us today to learn more about how dentures can restore your smile, oral health, and general quality of life.
Full Dentures are used to replace a whole arch of teeth. Custom fit dentures are crafted with a row of teeth made from natural looking materials and are attached to an acrylic pink base. This creates a natural looking dentition allowing you to smile with complete confidence.
Full dentures are removable, so it’s easy to just take them out when it’s time to clean them or go to bed. Because they’re held in place with natural suction against the gums, you can also count on them remaining stable.
For patients who are only missing some teeth, we might recommend a partial denture. In addition to natural-looking false teeth atop a gum-colored base, partials feature a metal framework that allows the denture to stay in place. The metal structure fits comfortably behind your remaining teeth to prevent them from drifting out of place while also discreetly blending in with your smile.
If you’d prefer a denture that doesn’t need to be replaced as often, we can anchor your new teeth with dental implants. By surgically placing four to six titanium posts in your jawbone, we can create a foundation for a long-lasting full or partial denture. Implant-retained dentures, sometimes called All-on-4, provide much more stability than traditional options.
While dentures can’t develop cavities, it’s important to keep them clean so that they remain beautiful and functional. At least once a day, scrub them with a denture cleaner and soft denture toothbrush. Also, gently brush your gums, tongue, and palate daily to prevent plaque buildup on your gums that could cause painful infections.
Every night, you’ll need to soak your dentures in either denture cleanser or room-temperature water. This keeps them from drying out and losing their shape. If you have a partial, remember to brush and floss your remaining teeth to prevent cavities from forming.
“How much do dentures in Braintree cost?” If this question is on your mind, you’re not alone – it’s one of the most common inquiries we get from patients. While the best way to find out the answer is by scheduling an initial consultation with our team, we understand that many of our patients like to do as much research as they can online first. So, we’ve taken the time to discuss the factors that affect the price below.
There is rarely a flat fee when it comes to dental work. That’s because each treatment plan is customized to address your specific needs and goals. At your initial appointment, our Braintree dentist will consider important factors like:
Throughout the process, it’s important to remember that cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean better, especially when it comes to something as important as your smile and bite. After all, the last thing you want is an obtrusive, bulky, and hard-to-maneuver denture.
When discussing the cost, it’s important to consider both the upfront and total price. Upfront, the cost of implant dentures compared to traditional ones is higher since oral surgery is involved. However, the total price may end up being more comparable. That’s because implant-retained options can last for 15+ years with proper care, don’t require special cleaning tools, and don’t necessitate frequent adjustment appointments.
Possibly! While it’s always a good idea to double-check with your insurance provider, many plans include 50% coverage of dentures. Our team is proud to welcome many of the nation’s leading carriers, ensuring utilizing your benefits is as seamless as possible. In short, if you’re interested in getting dentures but want to learn more about how your benefits affect the cost, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Uninsured? Don’t assume that dentures are too expensive. With CareCredit financing, you can space out your payments over the course of several months, so you don’t have to pay the lump sum upfront. Plus, this trusted third-party financier offers qualified patients little-to-no interest options too! Applying is easy and our team would be happy to answer any questions you have beforehand to ensure you’re well informed.
Decade after decade, dentures continue to be one of the most popular tooth-replacement options for patients who are struggling with moderate to severe tooth loss. If you’re considering rebuilding your smile and bite with this restorative solution, then it can be helpful to learn about all of the benefits. Here are five noteworthy ones!
Typically, conversations about tooth loss center around difficulty eating, nutritional deficiencies, and the like. However, the negative impact on your confidence and overall quality of life is certainly noteworthy as well. The good news is that partial, full, and implant dentures are custom-made just for you, ensuring that they look beautiful and function seamlessly. As a result, you’ll feel confident no matter what the day brings!
In short, communicating clearly with missing teeth can be difficult. That’s because your tongue moves distinctly against the back of your teeth to create sound. By filling the gaps in your smile, dentures can give you your speech back! Of course, a slight learning curve is expected at first, but with enough practice, you’ll sound like your usual self in no time.
It’s very common for patients to stick to soft foods once they begin losing teeth. After all, soups, oatmeal, and yogurt are the easiest things to eat! If that’s the case for you, then it’s likely that your diet is severely lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. With dentures, you’ll have a strong bite again, allowing you to eat a wide range of foods, which, in turn, will improve your nutrition.
Although teeth often steal the spotlight when it comes to oral health, it’s important to know that maintaining a healthy smile is about so much more. For example, tooth loss can cause the teeth surrounding the gap to drift out of place, negatively impacting your bite. Don’t worry – dentures can help prevent that from happening, which benefits the look, health, and function of your smile.
If you aren’t happy with your smile, it’s not likely that you’ll feel confident introducing yourself to new people, heading into a job interview, or even spending time with loved ones at a family reunion. In that way, dentures can help expand opportunities! With a complete smile and the ability to chew, speak, and laugh with confidence, you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way.
From partial dentures to implant-retained ones, this tried-and-true tooth-replacement option has helped millions of patients enjoy a renewed smile and bite for decades. Of course, if it’s your first time looking into this restorative dentistry solution, you’re going to have questions. If you value doing your research online, then keep reading to learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about dentures in Braintree. Otherwise, you can always give our team a call to schedule an appointment!
Ultimately, the answer to this question will depend on your specific dental needs. Generally, it’s more preferable to restore your natural teeth whenever possible. But, if that’s not feasible, then having them extracted may be the most ideal solution. Depending on the location of the teeth in question, it may be possible to have them all removed at the same appointment. Don’t worry – our skilled Braintree dentist will review all of the facets of your treatment plan with you in detail to ensure you know exactly what to expect every step of the way.
While you can technically sleep with your dentures, many dentists advise against it. There are a few reasons for this. To start, dentures can restrict the circulation of blood to your gums, resulting in unwanted irritation. Taking them out at night can give your gums some much needed rest, which will allow them to recover as you doze. Secondly, you likely will want to remove them as little as possible throughout the day. Placing them in a denture-cleaner during the evening will allow them to get a thorough cleaning regularly.
In the beginning, you may find it a bit difficult to talk with your dentures in. Luckily, this adjustment period is typically short lived, especially if you get plenty of practice in on the front end. Reading out loud and talking to someone you feel safe with are two methods that can help speed up that period of time exponentially. Just remember to be patient with yourself and go slow. Before speaking, bite down and swallow (this will prevent excess saliva from muddling your speech and prevent your dentures from slipping out of place). If needed, use some denture adhesive for added stability as you go about your day.
You can! As with speaking, it may take some time to adjust to their presence. Therefore, it’s a good idea to go slow and be gentle, sticking to closed-lip kisses at first. After all, nothing ruins a romantic moment like accidentally bumping your partner’s teeth with your dentures!