4 Questions You Should Ask Before Getting a Smile Makeover

November 29, 2021

woman smiling while asking dentist questions about smile makeovers

Do you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or see your smile in photos and wish you had straight, white, beautiful teeth? If so, then you may be considering a smile makeover. This blend of restorative and cosmetic dentistry is designed to completely transform the look and function of your smile for the better, leaving you with the beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of. While the first step is scheduling a consultation, the second is getting prepared. Here are four questions to ask during your visit!

Question #1: What Services Do You Suggest for My Smile Makeover?

In short, smile makeovers look different for everyone since they are completely personalized. So, after sharing your concerns and what you’d like to change about your smile, don’t hesitate to ask your cosmetic dentist what they think! This will give you a better understanding of what exactly is needed to achieve the look you’re going for.

Question #2: Do You Have Before and After Photos I Can Look At?

Before and after pictures are a great way to get insight into a cosmetic dentist’s work. If possible, ask to see photos of the transformations of patients with similar dental needs or smile goals as you. This will help you get an inside look at what your “after” picture could look like!

Question #3: What Can I Do to Make the Results Last?

The last thing you want is to invest time and money into your smile only for the results to dissipate within a couple of months or years. Therefore, make sure to ask about maintenance! Are there any special cleaning tools you need? Are there any foods you should avoid? Are there any habits, like chewing on ice, that are off-limits afterward?

Question #4. How Long Will My Smile Makeover Take?

In a perfect world, you could achieve the smile of your dreams in a snap. In real life, however, the process of transforming your grin takes more time. While an in-house whitening treatment and dental bonding can be completed in just one visit, more extensive procedures, like veneers, require at least two visits (which are spread out over the course of a few weeks). So, it’s a good idea to find out what your estimated treatment timeline is beforehand, especially if you are enhancing your smile for a special event.

A smile makeover can completely transform your smile, your oral health, and your confidence. So, what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to take the next step toward a healthy, happy, beautiful smile, schedule your initial consultation today!

About the Practice

At Pinnacle Dental, our team of exceptional dentists is proud to provide personalized, effective, and comfortable smile makeovers for patients all over the Braintree area. In fact, we’ve been providing award-winning care since 1988! If you’re interested in enhancing your smile, then don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our team via our website or by phone at 781-843-7905.