Pinnacle Dental Blog

6 Ways Your Dentist Practices Social Distancing

May 13, 2020

Dentist in Braintree practicing safety protocols. Over the last several weeks, you’ve spent more time at home to keep your distance from other people. While masks and hand washing are important for reducing the spread of COVID-19, practicing social distancing is equally essential. As the country reopens, you’re able to enjoy many routine services again, like seeing your dentist in Braintree for a cleaning and checkup, but is it safe? How can you keep your distance while at the dental office? Believe it or not, your dentist has implemented 6 steps to keep patients safe.


When Should You Make a Call to an Emergency Dentist?

March 25, 2020

woman in pain needs to visit emergency dentist in Braintree

Although the COVID-19 virus is at the forefront of most Americans’ minds, it still doesn’t stop dental emergencies from happening. The good news is that if one strikes, there is help available, but first you need to know how to identify the symptoms. Continue reading to discover the typical indicators that it’s time to contact an emergency dentist in Braintree for treatment.


Teeth Whitening and Porcelain Veneers for Smile Perfection!

March 13, 2020

attractive woman happy after visiting cosmetic dentist in Braintree

When you meet a new person, one of the first traits he or she will notice is the condition of your smile. Thus, if you have stained or blemished teeth, you can be left feeling less confident and worried about being ridiculed. Thankfully, with help from a cosmetic dentist in Braintree, you can have your smile revamped and see your self-esteem soar. Read on to learn about two amazing options: teeth whitening and porcelain veneers!


4 Benefits of Dental Implants That You Can’t Get with Dentures

February 7, 2020

Happy, healthy couple with dental implants in Braintree

Missing one or more teeth can make it more difficult to speak clearly, eat comfortably, or smile confidently. Traditionally, dentures were the only way you could fill those gaps in your smile. However, now there’s a more advanced, permanent, and comfortable option available: dental implants in Braintree. This restoration method is designed to be more comfortable, lifelike, and permanent than any other tooth replacement option. Read on as your Braintree dentist explains what dental implants can offer you that dentures can’t.


Here’s What to Consider When Shopping for a New Toothbrush

January 18, 2020

young attractive woman brushing teeth

If you’ve recently recovered from the common cold or flu, or you’ve been using your current toothbrush for more than 90 days, it’s time to replace it. While it may seem okay to just grab the first toothbrush you see, the reality is that you should put some thought into your purchase. As you read further, a dentist in Braintree reviews some of the criteria you should take into consideration so that you can experience the best oral health possible!


Here’s How Your Dentist Can Help 7 Flaws in Your Smile

December 10, 2019

woman pointing to her flawless smile

Did you know that more than 50% of young Americans have untagged a photo of themselves on social media because they’re unhappy with the way their smile looks? That’s right, more than half of the population has problems with the appearance of their grin. Luckily, there’s a cure for that. Your cosmetic dentist in Braintree offers multiple treatments to treat your smile woes.


Do Dental Implants Look Natural?

October 24, 2019

dental implant

Are you missing one or more teeth? If so, you’ve probably noticed that it makes life a little harder. You might not be able to enjoy your favorite foods anymore. You might be self-conscious about the gaps in your grin. You might avoid saying certain words because missing teeth may negatively affect your pronunciation. You may have heard about dental implants to bridge the gaps in your smile. Just how natural do they look and feel? Let’s take a closer look.


Do You Think Your Smile Is Unattractive? Transform It With Porcelain Veneers

September 10, 2019

person smiling against a gray background

With the holidays quickly approaching, the last thing you want to do is dawn your damaged smile in family photos that will be cherished for years. Whether one tooth is distracting from your beautiful grin or you need your whole mouth refreshed, cosmetic dentistry can give you a trait to be proud of with porcelain veneers. In just three visits, your dentist can conceal a variety of damage to make your mouth look complete, bright, and flawless. Here’s everything you should know about the procedure and how it can benefit you.


If I Choose Porcelain Veneers to Fix My Smile, How Long Will They Last?

August 17, 2019

attractive young woman curly hair

The appearance of your teeth can play a major role in the way you feel about yourself. Therefore, if you have smile flaws like gaps, misalignment, crookedness, crowding or stains, you may be less eager to pose for pictures or meet new people. Thankfully, there is an effective solution with porcelain veneers in Braintree. How does the process work, though, and how long should you expect the fixtures to last? These questions are answered by your local cosmetic dentist as you continue reading.
