Fluoride: The Secret to Preventing Cavities?

February 10, 2022

Dentist pointing to Fluoride artwork on screen

There is nothing quite like that just-clean feeling after your dental hygienist removes buildup plaque, cleans the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, and flosses your teeth. Before you leave, however, they may ask if you want a fluoride treatment. But what is it? And how do you know if it’s right for you? If these questions have crossed your mind, keep reading to learn all about fluoride and its impact on your oral health.


5 Facts About Same-Day Dental Crowns You May Not Know

January 31, 2022

CEREC technology creating same-day dental crown

Thanks to CEREC® technology, long gone are the days of needing to schedule multiple appointments to restore one tooth. Now, you can enhance both the look and function of your smile in a single visit! With that said, there is much more to this state-of-the-art treatment. So, keep reading to learn five facts about this restorative solution you may not know.


So, How Long Does It Take To Make a CEREC Crown?

January 10, 2022

Closeup of smiling woman looking in dental mirror

Previously, restoring a damaged or decayed tooth required traditional dental crowns, which were placed over the course of several appointments. Although effective, the process was less than convenient, leaving lots of room for improvement. Fortunately, CEREC® dental crowns are now available, which allow your smile to be restored in a single visit. How long is that appointment? Read on to find out!


Then & Now: The Evolution of Dentures

December 21, 2021

Dentist holding modern dentures

Currently, more than 120 million Americans are struggling with tooth loss. This prevalent dental concern is by no means limited to only the 21st century though. In fact, researchers believe that dentures have been in use since 700 BC. Luckily, they’ve advanced significantly since then, benefiting from innovations in both dentistry and technology. To learn more about the evolution of dentures, read on!


Wondering If Gum Recontouring Is Safe? Read This!

November 30, 2021

Woman in blue sweater wondering

Do you find yourself hesitating to smile in photos or covering it while you laugh due to insecurities stemming from a “gummy” smile? If so, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, the presence of excess gum tissue is a concern for many patients. The good news is that patients can turn to dentistry. More specifically, gum recontouring. But is this treatment safe? Keep reading for the answer.


4 Questions You Should Ask Before Getting a Smile Makeover

November 29, 2021

woman smiling while asking dentist questions about smile makeovers

Do you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or see your smile in photos and wish you had straight, white, beautiful teeth? If so, then you may be considering a smile makeover. This blend of restorative and cosmetic dentistry is designed to completely transform the look and function of your smile for the better, leaving you with the beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of. While the first step is scheduling a consultation, the second is getting prepared. Here are four questions to ask during your visit!


The 4 Best Ways to Keep Your Invisalign Aligners Clean and Safe

October 25, 2021

Patient holding up clean Invisalign tray

Using Invisalign to achieve your smile goals? If you’re like many patients, the discreet trays were one of the main draws (in addition to the hassle-free oral care and shorter treatment timelines, of course). However, it’s important to note that the aligners will only remain clear if you take care of them properly. Neglecting to do so can cause them to discolor, leaving your teeth looking yellow and dull. Don’t worry – you can prevent that from happening with the below best practices for caring for Invisalign trays.


What Causes Mouth Sores?

September 27, 2021

Closeup of canker sore mouth sores

Have you ever experienced a painful red bump on the inside of your mouth or on your lips? What you likely had was a canker sore or cold sore. These mouth sores are incredibly common all across the country, but are not often talked about. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between cold sores and canker sores, including what causes them. From there, we can review the most effective way to treat and prevent them!


Leaving a Toothache Untreated Can Be Bad for Your Whole Body

September 7, 2021

Man with bad toothache should visit his Braintree emergency dentist

Despite our best efforts, most of us will experience a toothache or two in our lifetime. Thankfully, most dental pain is caused by minor issues that can be fixed easily, such as a cavity or damaged filling. However, that doesn’t mean that you should ignore your toothache. In fact, if you leave your dental pain untreated, you could develop serious health issues that threaten the rest of your body! Read on as your Braintree emergency dentist explains how an untreated toothache can be bad for your overall health and wellbeing.


Did Your Child Knock-Out a Tooth? Here’s What to Do Next

August 31, 2021

Young girl covering her mouth in shock

Unfortunately, all it takes is one rogue football or one accidental bump in the schoolyard for your child to lose a tooth. While your initial reaction may be to panic, do your best to stay calm. This will help you think clearly and act quickly. Whether your child lost a baby or permanent tooth will determine how to properly handle this dental emergency. With this in mind, keep reading for what to do next when your child has knocked out a tooth!
